Haynes, Iron Fires reach 95% containment

SALMON, Idaho (KIFI) - The Haynes and Iron Fires have both reached 95% containment, and the Mud Lick Fire has reached 70% containment.
The Haynes and Iron Fires are considered full suppression fires, and the percentage of containment reported here represent the amount of the fires edge that has been effectively “contained” with control lines around the perimeter.
Fire managers for the Mud Lick Fire are using point-protection and confine-and-contain strategies. The steep terrain and lack of access limit the ability to create fire lines directly at the fires edge. The point-protection strategy focuses on protecting specific values including structures and forest infrastructure. The confine-and-contain strategy relies on establishing containment lines ahead of the active fire which provide to keep fire from moving into critical areas.
With these strategies the percentage of proposed point-protection and containment lines completed are reported as the percentage of the work “complete.”
Evacuations, Road and Trail Closures and Restrictions
A new Area Closure is in effect for the Mud Lick Fire. An Area Closure is still in effect for the Haynes fire. The Area Closure for the Iron fire has been rescinded. For more information visit www.fs.usda.gov/scnf/.
Mud Lick Fire
The lower temperatures and higher relative humidity slowed fire progression and limited perimeter growth. There was little growth into the wilderness. Gant Creek and Panther Creek saw some fire movement through light fuels.
Haynes Fire
The fire has isolated areas where smoldering fuels are producing some smoke. The crews completed planned line construction and the fire had no perimeter growth.
Iron Fire
The fire produced very little smoke and there are limited areas with smoldering fuels. Due to the slowed fire growth this will be the last update until next Thursday or if fire conditions change.