New Idaho DMV Administrator named
BOISE, Idaho (KIFI) - Lisa McClellan, who has been with the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) since 2004 and was named the department’s Professional of the Year in February, recently became Idaho’s DMV Administrator.
She has served in management of both the department’s Financial Services and DMV divisions.
As the leader of DMV, she will manage a dedicated team of 244 professionals.
In the DMV, McClellan helped with the transformation of the organization, process improvements, modernization of software, staff development, and county & stakeholder relationships. She has played a crucial leadership role in recent years as ITD modernized DMV software which is now the catalyst for time-saving innovations.
McClellan holds a Bachelor’s degree in business from Lewis Clark State College from 2009.
“This is fantastic news for the department and for Idaho,” ITD Director Scott Stokes said. “Lisa is a champion and will do great things, benefiting all Idahoans. Lisa has an aggressive vision that is going to save citizens and businesses time and money through a new generation of DMV service options.”
McClellan is looking forward to new challenges and opportunities.
"I’m excited to lead a courageous team of dedicated DMV professionals who have the customer centered in all we do," McClellan said. "DMV has come a long way and will continue to be committed to customer service, stakeholders and partners, and the pursuit of innovation."