Orphaned black bear cub found along Salmon River Road will be rehabilitated

SALMON, Idaho (KIFI) - Idaho Fish and Game received reports of a small black bear cub hanging out along the Salmon River Road near Panther Creek for several days. Because the cub was not hibernating with its mother implies it was orphaned.
Fish and Game quickly located and captured the cub, and because it had not been habituated to unnatural foods or human presence, it was transported to a licensed wildlife rehabilitator in Idaho that specializes in black bears.
“The cub was born around last February and likely would not survive the winter on its own,” Fish and Game wildlife manager Dennis Newman said.
The cub will have a buddy, sharing an enclosure with another cub of similar age. Both cubs will be cared for through the winter and be released into the wild next summer.
Fish and Game would like to thank those who reported the cub. As a reminder, when you find orphaned or injured wildlife, the best course of action for the animal is to leave it alone and contact your local Fish and Game office.