Local street operations prepare for storms

POCATELLO, Idaho (KIFI) - According to National Weather Service forecasts, east Idaho is expected to see several inches of snow accompanied by high winds over the next few days.
In Pocatello, Pocatello Street Operations crews are switching to 12-hour shifts starting Tuesday at 4 a.m. to address the upcoming weather conditions.
Crews will be plowing, sanding, and spreading brine where applicable. The biggest obstacle for Pocatello Street Operations will be the predicted wind speeds of up to 50 miles per hour.
Crews will be focused only on established priority routes until the wind and storm subsides. Residents are asked to use caution when traveling.
For information on Pocatello’s priority routes, click HERE.
In Idaho Falls, the Bonneville County Sheriff's Office said it is anticipating winter weather that will affect driving conditions Tuesday. Plan ahead and lean on the side of safety:
- Completely Clear Your Windows; it's hard enough to see during inclement or low visibility conditions so why wouldn't you want to have the best visual possible
- Anticipate Slick Conditions; plan for increased travel time and rapidly changing road conditions that decrease your ability to control your vehicle
- Slow Down for: First Responders, Tow Trucks, and Snow Plows. If you see flashing lights, anticipate there is a traffic flow change or safety issue you need to slow down to avoid.
Have you checked out the interactive snow removal map? You can search your address and see when the City of Idaho Falls Public Works Department anticipates on plowing your street.You can view the map at HERE.
In Rexburg, the city said plows will need to operate in the late/early hours of the night/morning (respectively). Please ensure they have the space to do so there will be no overnight street parking. You can see all Winter Street Policies HERE.