Weight and speed limits in place for trucks on county roads

BANNOCK COUNTY, Idaho (KIFI)—Truck drivers should know that speed and weight restrictions are in effect for many rural roads in eastern Idaho. The counties are limiting the weight and speed of heavy vehicles on county roads because of warmer temperatures.
Bannock County announced Friday, trucks are allowed only 350 pounds of weight per inch of tire width and cannot be wider than 12.5 feet. They must also drive no faster than 30 miles per hour on affected roads. They said signs will be posted on these roads to alert drivers. The rules will stay in place until May 1, 2025, unless they need to be extended.
“We put these rules in place to protect the roads from damage during the freeze-thaw cycle,” said Buddy Romriell, Assistant Public Works Director. “Heavy vehicles can damage the road and lead to expensive repairs, which we want to reduce as much as possible.”
As the frost and ice under the road melt, they turn into water that softens the ground. Large vehicles can push this water like a wave under the road, causing damage like cracks and potholes.