Idaho Falls joins call for DOE cleanup funding
IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK)-The city of Idaho Falls has joined a coalition of labor, community and industry organizations urging Congress to approve a one-time $7.25 billion increase in funding for the Department of Energy’s Office of Environmental Management.
The Coalition for Jobs and Cleanup said it would like DOE to use the funding to support numerous cleanup projects that are already approved, should funding come available. 16 sites remain in 11 states, representing one of the federal government’s greatest environmental and financial liabilities. The coalition believes some of that work could be accomplished over the next 3 to 5 years.
If Congress approves, the coalition said “we believe we have a rare opportunity to address the legacy of the past, implement DOE’s strategic vision more rapidly and develop the pipeline of nuclear workers and technologies to help us lead in the future.”
The group says DOE could begin work on priority projects and infrastructure improvements immediately that could create thousands of new jobs. Under the Idaho Cleanup Project, that work could include completion of construction for a spent nuclear fuel repackaging facility, intended to package fuel into a multi-purpose canister that could be placed into storage for final disposition.
You can see the coalition letter and a list of possible project ideas here.