Grizzly activity monitored near Jackson

JACKSON, Wyo. (KIFI/KIDK)-Wyoming Game and Fish personnel are monitoring grizzly bear activity in residential areas near Jackson.
Residents and visitors are advised that bears are still active.
Recent sightings of a well-known marked female with four cubs was reported near Wilson.
Game and Fish experts say people should secure attractants of any kind so they are unavailable to bears or other wildlife.
We typically see a lot of bear activity in the fall when they start foraging around the clock in their quest to build up fat reserves before entering hibernation,” said Brad Hovinga, Game and Fish Jackson Regional wildlife supervisor.
“We live in good bear habitat, so we’re always going to have bear activity in the Jackson region, but we don’t want bears in residential areas,” Hovinga said. “Our job is to make sure we are looking out for human safety while keeping wildlife wild. Preventing bears from receiving food from people and becoming habituated is best for both bears and people.”
Anyone who sees a large carnivore in a developed area should report it right away. Hovinga said the sooner Game and Fish knows of a potential problem, the more options they have for managing the situation to keep both wildlife and people safe.
To report any wildlife issues, call 307-733-2321.