Record Idaho vote canvass finalized

BOISE, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK) - With little fanfare, Idaho Secretary of State Lawerence Denney announced the official state canvass of the November 3 general election votes is complete.
Along with other members of the State Board of Canvassers, State Controller Brandon Woolf, and State Treasurer Julie Ellsworth conducted the canvass of every ballot cast Wednesday to ensure that every legal vote is counted.
“State and county election officials and workers are to be commended for their dedication, patience, and flexibility in staging a successful General Election under the challenging circumstances of a global pandemic,” said Denney. “Idahoans cast a record number of ballots, a record number of which were early or absentee ballots, and produced the highest percentage voter turnout we have seen for any election this century.”
The statement of vote, certified today by the Board, shows 878,527 Idahoans voted in the 2020 General Election — a turnout of 81.2% of Idaho’s 1,082,417 registered voters.
Voters cast 493,719 early or absentee ballots, representing 56.2% of all ballots cast.
Counties with the highest voter turnout, as a percentage of registered voters, were Fremont (88.1%), Kootenai (87.4%) , Butte (86.3%), and Idaho (85.1%).
Official election results, including county-by-county and historical data, will soon be available on the Elections Division page the Secretary of State's website.