Sheriff’s Office identifies subject of officer-involved-shooting incident

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK)-The Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office has identified the victim of an officer-involved-shooting incident Wednesday as Peter K. England, 21, of Ammon. An autopsy was expected to be conducted Thursday.

According to the Sheriff’s Office, an Idaho Falls Police Officer attempted to stop a vehicle at around 4 a.m. Wednesday. The vehicle eluded police, but police obtained its registration information.
Bonneville County Deputies D. Vidal and C. Merrill spotted the vehicle on 17th Street and saw it turn north onto Falcon Drive and into the apartment complex parking lot. The deputies found the suspect vehicle parked in the driveway with the driver’s side door open.
According to a Sheriff’s Office news release:
“The Deputies exited their patrol cars and were immediately confronted by a male, later identified as 21 year old Peter K. England of Ammon, who emerged from behind a nearby parked car adjacent to his vehicle. Mr. England was walking toward the Deputies with a handgun pointed directly at Dep. Vidal and closing a distance of less than two car lengths. During this time Dep. Vidal was giving England verbal commands to show his hands, however he continued to advance pointing the gun directly at Dep. Vidal. Both Deputies fired their duty weapons at England causing him to move behind a parked vehicle in a defensive position while still holding onto the gun. Deputies observed Mr. England go down to the ground and were able to safely move up, secure him and begin life-saving efforts. The entirety of this event lasted less than 10 seconds.
“Deputies, along with an Idaho Falls Police Officer who had arrived and a passerby who was a nurse, continued CPR and first aid until Idaho Falls Fire medics arrived and determined Mr. England was deceased. Deputies then secured the area along with the handgun found with Mr. England, and a shotgun located inside his vehicle. The handgun recovered from England was loaded with a full magazine and round in the chamber. A structure and 4 other vehicles (including the Mr. England’s vehicle) sustained minor damage and no other injuries to residents or Deputies were reported.”
Detectives from Idaho State Police, Bingham, Madison, Fremont and Bingham County Sheriff’s Offices, Blackfoot Police, and Idaho Falls Police all responded to the scene as part of the East Idaho Critical Incident Team. That team will be responsible for a follow up investigation. Idaho State Police was assigned as lead for that effort.
Results of the autopsy of England and analysis of other evidence is expected to take several weeks.
The Sheriff’s Office issued the following brief statement regarding the incident:
“ The Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office extends its heartfelt sympathy to the England family and appreciation to the nearby residents for their patience while the area was temporarily closed.”
The two deputies have been placed on administrative leave pending results of the investigation.