Road projects in Grand Teton National Park may cause minor delays next week

MOOSE, Wyo. (GTNP News Release) – Two minor road projects will take place in Grand Teton National Park during the week of June 24, causing short delays and the temporary closure of a secondary road.
The one-way Jenny Lake Scenic Drive will be temporarily closed to all traffic June 24 – 27 while pavement preservation and road striping operations occur to improve vehicular and cyclist safety in the area. The Jenny Lake Overlook and all other sections of the Scenic Drive will be closed to the public during this time. Jenny Lake Lodge, String and Leigh Lake Trailheads, and the Jenny Lake Visitor Center area will remain open to the public. The hiking trail around Jenny Lake will also still be open to the public. The work is contingent on dry weather and closure dates may change.
Travelers in Grand Teton National Park should plan for 15-minute delays as road striping operations occur next week on U.S. Highway 89, Teton Park Road from Moose to Jackson Lake Junction, the North Park Road from Moran to South Entrance of Yellowstone National Park, and the Colter Bay Visitor Center area. Some operations will be conducted at night.
Motorists should plan ahead for delays and reduce speed in areas where road striping occurs. Roadwork schedules may change without notice, or be delayed, due to weather conditions or other extenuating circumstances.