Very High Fire Danger issued for Central Idaho

SALMON, Idaho (KIFI) —The Central Idaho Dispatch Zone, which includes the Salmon-Challis National Forest, has moved fire danger to 'Very High.'
The status means fires can start easily and spread rapidly, according forest officials.
They are asking people to be extremely careful when camping and to remember that it’s your job and responsibility to properly maintain and extinguish all campfires.
If you are planning a camping, hiking, or motorized trip please be especially cautious about actions that could cause a wildfire.
- Never leave a campfire unattended. Always add water, stir it, and make sure all embers are out. If it’s too hot to touch, it’s too hot to leave!
- Always use a campfire ring or fire pan when building a campfire.
- Recreational shooting? Take precautions! Never shoot into dry vegetation and always make sure you’re shooting in a safe location. Be aware that shooting of exploding targets is not allowed on National Forest System lands in the Intermountain Region (
- Refrain from smoking in wooded, grassy, or brushy areas. Make sure your cigarette is fully extinguished before leaving the area.
- Fireworks are illegal on public lands: every forest, every campsite, every day. Never light fireworks in the woods.
- Ensure your vehicle is properly maintained, with nothing dragging on the ground. A loose safety chain or dangling muffler can send a shower of sparks into dry vegetation.
- Keep vehicles off dry grass. The catalytic converter may contact the vegetation and start a fire.
- Always carry a shovel and fire extinguisher.
- Know before you go. Always check with your local Ranger Station prior to your trip to get the most up to date information on fire danger and fire restrictions for the area.
- It is best to preplan your route and share that information with people that are not on the hike with you. Having predetermined check-in points with reliable methods of communication are critical to let your friends and family know where you are should someone need to contact you.
They say to be cautious. Should you start a wildfire, even if it’s by accident, you could be held liable for damages and firefighting costs.
To report a fire call Central Idaho Dispatch Center at 208-756-5157 or 911 as soon as possible.
They also remind us that unmanned aircraft systems, such as drones, should not be flown near or around wildfires on National Forest System Lands. To learn about the Forest Service policy regarding unmanned aircraft systems visit