Gate City Boxing’s new ring nearing completion

POCATELLO, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK) - Gate City Boxing Club members got a glimpse at their new ring Wednesday afternoon.
Partner Steel, who decided to take on the project after hearing the club's old ring had been stolen, has been working on the ring over the course of the last several months.
Jaime Agado, Partner Steel's project manager, said they've made the new ring lighter and much easier to put together.
"There's no hardware," he said. "It should just snap together like a Lego set."
For Rob Chavez, president of Gate City Boxing, it's a good feeling to know that he'll soon be able to get his boxers back in action, more than four months after his ring was stolen.
"It's not our real ring, but we're excited," Chavez said. "We're really excited."
Agado says the ring should be complete the week after Thanksgiving. The boxers will break-in the new ring on Dec. 14, during an event at H&R Hockey in Pocatello.