Pocatello recognizes employees for donations

POCATELLO, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK)-Pocatello employees were recognized by the Pocatello City Council Friday for their contribution to the Southeast Idaho Public Health Diaper Bank.
From December 5 through the 19th, the city held its first-ever diaper drive for the SIPH Diaper Bank. Over the course of two weeks, employees donated just over $2,700 and more than 2,100 diapers. Since SIPH may purchase diapers at a rate of 50 for every $10 donated, the city employees' donation totaled more than 15,000 diapers. SIPH distributes about 5,000 diapers per month to families in need.
Marshall Public Library earned a trophy for the highest donation average of 126.15 diapers per employee.
Thanks to the Pocatello International Association of Firefighters Local 187 and the Fraternal Order of Police Portneuf Valley Lodge 13, prizes were awarded to the department that raised the most. The most generous employee of each department received a $40 gift certificate to The Sandpiper or Jakers Bar and Grill. The Marshall Public Library took home the department title and will be receiving a trophy and pizza party commemorating their efforts.
"The City's diaper drive has a direct impact on over 300 infants and toddlers and we could not be more excited here at Southeastern Idaho Public Health," said Dana Solomon, Public Information Specialist with SIPH. "Providing diapers is a real struggle all year long. This donation will go a long way to help us keep infants and toddlers clean, dry and healthy."
Additionally, through the United Way's annual campaign, employees donated $18,580. Employees were able to target their gift to an area of focus like "Education," "Financial Stability," "Health," or "Cradle to Career Partnership." Workers who donated over $150 had the option to have the United Way forward on their donation to a specific 501 (c) 3 nonprofit.
"I am touched by the compassion and generosity of my fellow City of Pocatello employees," said Kristy Heinz, Pocatello Regional Airport Management Assistant and Campaign Committee Member. "We are pleased to be able to continue assisting United Way in helping our community."
Over the last five years, city employees have donated more than $115,000 t the United Way's annual campaigns.