WYDOT to move vehicle brake check area on Teton Pass

JACKSON, Wyo. (KIFI/KIDK) –The Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) will be moving the vehicle brake check area from its current location to the weigh station on the west side of the pass.
On Nov. 15, in conjunction with the seasonal trailer restriction on WYO 22 Teton Pass, WYDOT will move the current vehicle brake check area, located at milepost 11 on the top of Teton Pass, and relocate it to the weigh station pullout at milepost 15.5.
“The brake check areas are not strictly for commercial vehicles, but any vehicle that may need to check their brakes or pull over for an emergency. Once the trailer restriction is in place, we are ok with moving the brake check area to the weigh station,” Interim District Engineer Tory Thomas said.
The brake check area at the top of the pass will be open to public parking on Nov. 15.
As a reminder, parking will be restricted when snow control activities take place, indicated by the current black-on-white regulatory signs that read: “AVALANCHE CONTROL/PARKING AREA CLOSED WHEN FLASHING.”
Typical control missions begin in the middle of the night, usually around 3 a.m. Generally, when WYDOT initiates a control mission, the flashing lights will begin flashing the night of the mission, earlier in the evening.
The vehicle arrestor is currently under repair, but crews are working quickly to have the work completed by the end of November. A runaway truck ramp approximately one mile up from the current vehicle arrestor location remains open for use.
"WYDOT will continue to evaluate and serve all aspects of the public within the resources given to us, with safety being the top priority for all who travel Teton Pass," WYDOT Chief Engineer Mark Gillett said.
The seasonal trailer restriction will go into effect Nov. 15 through April 1. Any vehicles with a hitched trailer illegally accessing Teton Pass will be found in violation of running a road closure and subject to fines. For alternative routes, contact any Department of Transportation Port of Entry or Permit Station.
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