WYO 22 speed limit changes

JACKSON, Wyo. (KIFI) - The Wyoming Department of Transportation will be changing the speed limit for the WYO 22 corridor between Spring Gulch and Emily's Pond.
WYDOT recently completed a speed study of the corridor using the Engineering Approach recommended by the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The study produced a recommended speed limit of 55 mph for the corridor in both winter and summer time. Â
At the request of the Teton County Commission, WYDOT reviewed other methods to determine speed limits. WYDOT ran the study data through a secondary speed limit expert approach which targets rural highways with higher than normal roadside features with some geographical challenges. That study produced a recommended speed of 55 mph in the summer while the winter component resulted in a 50 mph speed limit.Â
WYDOT has taken into consideration the results of both speed studies, and based on the Teton County Commission’s request to lower the limit and to make it year-round, WYDOT has determined the appropriate speed limit to be 50 mph year-round for the corridor between Spring Gulch and Emily's Pond.Â
WYDOT will be making this change in the coming months, with a targeted implementation date of July 1, 2021 or earlier.Â