Why bats are important and what to do if one gets in your house
POCATELLO, Idaho (KIFI)– Bats have long been misunderstood due to their portrayal in media as blood-thirsty monsters, but in reality bats have an important place in Idaho's ecosystem.
All of Idaho's fourteen species of bat are insectivores–meaning they only eat bugs–and one bat can eat 4.3 million mosquitos in a year. It is estimated that bats save Idaho farmers $313 million a year on pest control.
"If you don't like mosquitoes and you don't like pests eating your crops, you have bats to thank for their pest control services," said Jennifer Jackson of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game.
Idaho Fish and Game is doing outreach this time of year as more bats are making their way indoors as they move to hibernate and migrate for the winter.
If you find a bat inside your home, Idaho Fish and Game has resources to help you safely remove the animal without it being harmed.
"Protecting bat populations is really important," said Jackson. "Bats are protected, so it is unlawful to kill bats, but nobody expects you to live with bats in your attic either so there are mechanisms for us to provide guidance and some suggestions for having bats excluded from your home."
For more information on Idaho's bats and instructions on what to do if you find a bat in your home, visit the Idaho Department of Fish and Game website at: www.idfg.idaho.gov.