“Mammo Monday” For Breast Cancer Screening
Throughout the month of October, every Monday Eastern Idaho Regional Medical center is hosting “Mammo Monday.“
The event invites women for a ladies day out to receive spa treatments, make-up consultations and treats while learning about breast cancer and getting mammograms.
Mammography is still the gold standard in breast cancer detection. Celia McKenzie, the imaging supervisor said the event creates an environment to ease fears women have about screening.
“The express the fear they’ve had of coming in, just the fear of the unknown. Mammography gets a bad rap, a lot of stories get told and women who do it are really surprised at how easy it is,” said McKenzie.
Women over the age of 40 and encouraged to get an annual mammogram.
Appointments are required for “Mammo Monday.” The event is held at the EIRMC Imaging Center in Idaho Falls across from Smith’s grocery store.
To make an appointment call (208) 535-4556.