State Legislators Recognize Eagle Rock Bridge
Idaho Falls is unofficially 150 years old. The city got its start with the construction of Eagle Rock Bridge which was built in 1865, or 150 years ago.
The Idaho State Legislature recently passed a resolution to recognize the sesquicentennial event as the bridge was the first ever to span the Snake River.
After the bridge was built, it became a focal point for commerce as settlers, miners, and tradesman crossed the bridge to move west. Claire Smith, a curator for the Museum of Idaho, said Idaho Falls probably wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the bridge.
“There’s no other reason for there to be a settlement here,” said Smith. “There was no clear way to have water for agriculture, we’re a desert. There were no canals yet, and we hadn’t discovered the aquifer. So there wasn’t any logical reason for a city to be born here other than the bridge.”
Bonneville county does plan to have a celebration to commemorate the anniversary. That will be held at the Willard Arts Colonial Theater on March 4.