Idaho AG updates status of second nuclear research shipment proposed for INL
There were two planned shipments of spent nuclear fuel rods – proposed to end up at the Idaho National Laboratory. The shipments are small, about 100 pounds each. The first shipment was denied and sent elsewhere because of a 1995 Idaho agreement with the U.S. Department of Energy that no nuclear waste can be brought in the state, even though the shipments would be for research and bring extra money to Idaho.
Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden was in Idaho Falls Thursday. He responded to questions about the status of the the second proposed shipment.
“My view is, both of these shipments should have been, should be at INL. That’s where they ought to be in terms of what DOE is doing and the importance it has to the state and the importance it has to the country, but I have an obligation here and DOE is in breach of the 1995 agreement and they have to come and proffer a cure to that breach and that’s what we’re trying to get to,” said Wasden.
Wasden said he sees direct communication with the Department of Energy and movement. He believes this is a very healthy sign for negotiations.