Blackfoot Mayor declares Snow Removal Proclamation
A Snow Removal Proclamation has been issued by the mayor for people living in Blackfoot.
The city said it is hoping to take advantage of clear skies that are forecasted for next week to get the residential streets cleared.
On Tuesday, January 17, they’re asking people not to park on the streets east of the railroad tracks between 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
On Wednesday, January 18, no parking on streets west of the railroad tracks between 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
They said people will be allowed to park in the alleys for these two days.
They city is also suspending the rule of clearing sidewalks, as city crews could be placing snow on them.
Vehicles not moved during these could be towed at the owner’s expense if the are left in the street, they said.
They are also asking residents to help their neighbors in clearing vehicles.
The proclamation excludes the downtown area which between West Main St. on the east, Oak street on the west, Alice Street on the North and Sexton Street on the south. It also includes Pacific Street west from Oak Street to Bridge Street, Bridge Street and Judicial Street west from Oak Street to Meridian Street.