Can you guess Idaho’s top phobia?
What’s your biggest phobia?
Keyword research and Google Trends data were combined to find the top phobia in each state.
Idaho and Montana’s biggest phobia is Arachnophobia, which is the fear of spiders. Wyoming’s biggest fear, clowns (Coulrophobia).See a full breakdown and other top fears below:
Idaho Phobia Search Rating Arachnophobia (Spiders) 89 Xenophobia (Unknown) 75 Trypophobia (Holes) 70 Claustrophobia (Small Spaces) 69 Thalassophobia (Water/Ocean) 67 Coulrophobia (Clowns) 64 Triskaidekaphobia (Number 13) 42 Trypanophobia (Needles) 37 Ailurophobia (Cats) 33 Acrophobia (Heights) 28 Glossophobia (Public Speaking) 24
Wyoming Phobia Search Rating Coulrophobia (Clowns) 93 Trypophobia (Holes) 91 Xenophobia (Unknown) 66 Thalassophobia (Water/Ocean) 62 Triskaidekaphobia (Number 13) 58
Montana Phobia Search Rating Arachnophobia (Spiders) 95 Xenophobia (Unknown) 93 Coulrophobia (Clowns) 77 Trypophobia (Holes) 75 Ailurophobia (Cats) 57 Acrophobia (Heights) 56 Triskaidekaphobia (Number 13) 32 Glossophobia (Public Speaking) 25 Thalassophobia (Water/Ocean) 23