Local clinic to participate in national health research trial
Dr. Jeff Baker, a board certified obstetrician gynecologist & integrative functional medicine, and his team at Clinical Research Prime is a participating clinical site for the second phase of Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT2).
The study will examine the use of chelation treatments in diabetics with a prior heart attack to see if the intravenous treatment can reduce heart episodes by removing toxins from the body.
“It’s a process of removing heavy metals outside of the body. So chelate means to bind. Its almost like a magnet, it kind of captures and binds,” Baker said.
So the question is, does chelation actually help people who suffer from cardiovascular disease? This is a method that has already been used by alternative medicine providers.
“They wanted to say, ‘does this really work? Does this really make a difference if you take a remove lead and cadmium and other toxic heavy metals from our body?’ and that was the purpose of the first trial,” Baker said.
To many surprise, the first study had a success rate of 47-51 percent improvement of decreased cardiovascular vents. But the FDA wouldn’t back this based off one study, which leads us to TACT2. The second go round with a more specific group.
“The first one was anyone over 50 with a heart attack, that was they’re inclusion criteria. This one is anyone with a heart attack and diabetes. Those people that they found the biggest success rates were those who happened to have diabetes.”
If the results of this second trial supports the first…
“It could be a major therapy for people who have cardiovascular disease. Because the theory is these heavy metals that we’re exposed to throughout a lifetime they congregate in our organs and in our tissues and the body has a hard time getting rid of them. Or if you can chelate them and diminish the content, you will see improved — that’s what we’re trying to prove — improved organ function,” Baker said.
CRPrime is looking for research participants. Candidates must be 50 years of age or older, have diabetes and experienced a prior heart attack. If you are interested in participating, contact the study team through www.Tact2.org or by calling 208-497-0600.