Inside the new Aberdeen High School
After four years of anticipation, Aberdeen High School officially opened its new building.
Crews added larger classrooms, a new gym and computer lab.
The school also installed state-of-the-art safety technology to keep students safe within the classroom. Video surveillance throughout the school and all guests must sign in and ‘buzzed-in’ by security.
“It was built with the hope that it could expand, but now it serves what we need for the community now,” said Principal Travis Pincock. “This part you see here has a commons, classrooms here, behind that is an auditorium, and further behind that there’s an ag shop and an auxiliary gym. The auditorium is going to be fantastic. We’ve never had that before, the technology we have now that we have available to us is much greater, so those things are definitely some highlights.”
The auditorium is still under construction, but it should be ready by December.