Blackfoot may soon ban use of cell phones while driving
Counties in and around Idaho have passed laws banning the use of cell phones while driving. But now the city of Blackfoot is considering adding a ban of its own.
After a bill that would restrict driving with a cell phone failed to pass the state senate Mayor Marc Carroll said if something wasn’t being done on the state level to ban driving with a cell phone it should be done at the local level so he’s prepared a plan for the city council.
“It’s important for the citizens throughout the valley that we have pretty much a consistent practice and policy throughout the valley. I see people driving around town or even on the freeway and they’re talking on a cell phone or composing text messages,” said Carroll.
Across the country, only 16 states ban the use of cell phones. Idaho law doesn’t ban drivers from talking on their phones, however, texting while driving is illegal.
“You’re still taking some of your attention away from driving which is a very important task and a very dangerous task.”
Recently Idaho Falls passed an ordinance banning the use of cell phones while driving with Pocatello is expected to follow suit as early as this week with Chubbuck following behind.
“I would hate to be the individual who is responsible for an accident because I was talking on the cell phone or trying to look at my calendar on the cell phone or trying to respond to a text message. Things change literally from second to second and you never know when a child is going to run out in front of you or an elderly attempt to enter a crosswalk. And if you divert your attention for even one or two seconds as fast as the car is traveling you could be in the middle of a car accident – heaven forbid you kill somebody.”