Poor sleep linked to dementia and early death, study finds
By Sandee LaMotte, CNN Older adults who have significant difficulty falling asleep and who experience frequent night awakenings are at high risk for…
Continue ReadingBy Sandee LaMotte, CNN Older adults who have significant difficulty falling asleep and who experience frequent night awakenings are at high risk for…
Continue ReadingAmy Chillag, CNN Lakiea Bailey has tried to hide the pain and breathlessness she feels from her disease for most of her life. As a child, she missed…
Continue ReadingBy Elissa Strauss, CNN The pressure to stand out plagues us all. Even if we don’t really want that job, that body, that car, that trip or that…
Continue ReadingBy Megan Marples, CNN After over a year of staying at home and following strict safety guidelines, many people are understandably reluctant to step…
Continue ReadingBy Travis Caldwell, CNN The country continued this week on a path to reopening from the Covid-19 pandemic, with major population centers such as New…
Continue ReadingBy Dana Santas, CNN Breath is a powerful force — without it, there is no life. But what you might not realize is that the quality of your breathing…
Continue ReadingBy Aya Elamroussi, Steve Almasy and Lauren Mascarenhas, CNN A coronavirus variant first identified in India is “like Covid on steroids,”…
Continue ReadingBy Deidre McPhillips, CNN As newly reported Covid-19 cases in the United States drop to some of the lowest levels of the pandemic, the link between…
Continue ReadingBy Maggie Fox, CNN Pen Farthing was on a flight from Kabul, Afghanistan, to Houston when the news broke: The US Centers for Disease Control and…
Continue ReadingBy Lauren Mascarenhas, CNN As pediatricians vaccinate newly eligible children and teens against Covid-19, some of them say they are giving just as…
Continue ReadingThe US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now calls the Delta variant of the novel coronavirus, also known as B.1.617.2, a “variant of…
Continue ReadingBy Steve Almasy, Laura Ly, Holly Yan and Madeline Holcombe, CNN Tuesday brought reopenings in two of the largest states, with New York reaching an…
Continue ReadingBy Katie Hunt, CNN Children who eat more ultra-processed food are more likely to be overweight or obese as adults, a new 17-year study of more than…
Continue ReadingBy Maggie Fox, CNN Researchers have found more evidence that coronavirus was circulating at low levels across the United States as early as December…
Continue ReadingBy Elissa Strauss, CNN The Mommy Wars — the alleged battle between working moms and stay-at-home moms — rests on a number of fictions.…
Continue ReadingAs the US is expected to surpass 600,000 Covid-19 deaths, the Delta variant continues to threaten. CNN’s Nick Watt…
Continue ReadingBy Jacqueline Howard, CNN A third dose of coronavirus vaccine could help boost antibody levels among some organ transplant recipients who have not…
Continue ReadingThe US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Monday it will suspend the import of dogs from more than 100 countries where rabies still…
Continue ReadingBy Jacqueline Howard, CNN The American biotechnology company Novavax announced on Monday that its coronavirus vaccine candidate was found to have an…
Continue ReadingAs more Americans get vaccinated against COVID-19 and states and cities further ease pandemic restrictions, more people are flying for vacations,…
Continue ReadingBy Madeline Holcombe and Holly Yan, CNN The Delta variant is on its way to becoming the dominant strain of coronavirus in the US, raising concerns…
Continue ReadingBy John Duffy, CNN Mom said they were splitting up because Dad drank too much. Dad said Mom was having an emotional affair and was spending too much…
Continue ReadingThe efforts to slow the spread of Covid-19 lowered the threat of flu season last year, but experts warn that the upcoming flu season will be severe,…
Continue ReadingBy Lisa Selin Davis, CNN The attacks on kids who identify as transgender keep coming. Arkansas in early April became the first state to ban…
Continue ReadingA Houston hospital is sued after demanding all staff be vaccinated, as debate grows over vaccination requirements for workers, customers, and…
Continue ReadingDana Santas, a professional sports mind-body coach known as the Mobility Maker, shares a short, deep breathing exercise to help you relieve stress…
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