SIPH COVID-19 vaccine update

SOUTHEAST IDAHO (KIFI) - Southeastern Idaho Public Health and enrolled vaccine providers in Bannock, Bear Lake, Bingham, Butte, Caribou, Franklin, Oneida and Power counties continue to work closely on the coordination of weekly vaccine allocations and planning for future groups of vaccine distribution.
This week marks the fifth week of the vaccine being received and offered
to healthcare workers and long-term care facility residents in the state’s Group one (Healthcare Personnel & Long-Term Care Facility Residents) of vaccine distribution.
Current subgroups include:
- Hospital staff essential for care of COVID-19 patients and maintaining hospital capacity (includes support staff as well as clinical staff)
- Outpatient clinic staff essential for care of COVID-19 patients maintaining hospital capacity
- Long-term care facility staff and residents
- Home care providers for adults 65 years of age and older; home care providers for adults or children high-risk medical conditions
- Emergency Medical Services
- Outpatient and inpatient medical staff not already included above who are unable to telework
- Dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants
- Pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and pharmacy aids
- Public Health and emergency management response workers who are unable to telework
Starting Wednesday, January 13, a portion of Group two will be able to begin vaccinations. These groups include:
- First responders (firefighters/police) and safety (protective services/community support)
- Education: pre-K-12 staff and teachers and daycare workers
- Correctional and detention facility staff (other than medical)
To date, 7,350 COVID-19 vaccines have been allotted to SIPH’s jurisdiction and shipped directly to enrolled vaccine providers.
“Distribution of vaccine is no easy task, but we are making progress. It will take time to move through Group One and our availability to offer the vaccine relies on the volume of vaccine our health district receives,” SIPH Director Maggie Mann said. “Initial allocations of vaccine are limited. We ask for the community’s patience as we move through
this tremendous effort.”
Healthcare Personnel within the above subgroups can contact SIPH to be schedule a vaccine appointment or to be connected to an available vaccine provider in the community. SIPH’s offices are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and can be reached by calling 208-233-9080 and by pressing Option 1.
How will you know when it’s your turn to get your vaccine and where to go?
SIPH is working through the vaccine efforts in segments based on the Groups and Subgroups established by the state.
As they work through Group One and more is known about timing and locations specific for Groups Two and Three, SIPH will share that information with the public.
SIPH and its enrolled vaccine providers will work to notify the public through a number of public communication channels.
SIPH has created a sign-up form for COVID-19 vaccine updates and information. To sign up, visit or call SIPH’s COVID-19 Hotline at 208-234-5875.

“There is light at the end of the tunnel, but until we can vaccinate enough people to reduce the impact of this virus we all need to choose to protect our community by wearing a mask when interacting with others, practicing at least 6 feet social distancing, washing your hands frequently, and by staying home if you are sick,” Mann said.
SIPH has a call center to field questions from the community and is open Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. You can reach the hotline at (208) 234-5875.