Kelly Canyon’s season-opening starts the weekend early for some

KELLY CANYON, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK) - For 62 years Kelly Canyon Ski Resort has been a top winter spot for visitors and locals.
Now first-time season pass holders Sarah King and her family are starting their own tradition.
"We plan on being here, I would say at least three to four days a week," said King.
The season for hitting the slopes at the resort opened on Thursday.
Some young riders like Buzz were so excited, they skipped school to start their weekend early, "I asked my mom, I was like, we just want to go skiing really bad so she was like well it's okay yeah you can skip."
For first time riders or those wanting to improve their skills, the resort offers lessons and clinics for a fee.
If you're into more extreme riding the resort's new slogan, "Make the terrain park great again," will excite you.
"We've got some new features, we got a boat, we're getting a satellite dish, this year we'll have the teeter-totter back, and we're making a lot of new rails," said terrain park manager, Dylan Brown.
But even if you're a beginner, Brown says there's something for everyone. "I try to make good safe features that are fun, kind of help them learn how to do terrain park."
Young or old, Kelly Canyon helps produce new riders every season.
"I came up last year a bit, my son came up a lot last year, and we're really excited to have my daughter learn to ski," said King.
Kelly Canyon Ski Resort aims to be an affordable safe place for families and friends to enjoy their favorite winter sport according to the resort's co-owner, David Stoddard.
"We just try to be careful about what we do here and keep in mind the community, and we're trying to make them happy and pleased with the pricing. We give them the opportunity to get into a sport that is traditionally a little more expensive to deal with, but we've tried to keep it affordable and make it work for families," said Stoddard.
For more information about Kelly Canyon Ski Resort click here.