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Being prepared for what’s next

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK) - Emergencies can strike at any moment.

Just having a 72-hour supply of the necessities can take you a long way according to Jefferson County Emergency Management Director Rebecca Squires.

"Mental preparedness is huge," Squires said. "Have a plan. A lot of people were really surprised when (COVID-19) this thing kicked off and suddenly necessities weren't in the grocery store anymore. So have a supply of toilet paper or canned goods so that if the store was unavailable today or the next two weeks, How would I do? Unfortunately, a lot of us wouldn't do very well."

After accomplishing a 72 hour supply, try finding ways to add more items to last you longer.

"The biggest way people can help out is to help your neighbor," Squires said. "The more people who can help themselves and their neighbor, then that's the fewer calls that are received through 911 centers."

In addition to helping others, one of the most important things you can do, Squires says, is to avoid sharing information that is false.

"Getting good information to people is so critical," Squires said. "There are so many people who are getting bad information via social media so we work very hard to counteract that with good solid information from official sources."

Squires says a good source for updates is your local health department and to check if they have a hotline for your questions.

Article Topic Follows: Safe at Home

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Adrian Luevano


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