Crapo Encourages Public Input On Budget Debate
With budget talks in Washington, D.C., remaining at a standstill, area lawmakers are having a tough time keeping up with public outreach.
On Monday night, Sen. Mike Crapo’s website crashed after he said his site’s traffic went up 300 percent.
“We have had tremendous outpouring of frankly frustration that Congress and the president have not been able to resolve this issue,” said Crapo.
Crapo also said that he favors his Gang of Six Plan over any other plan that has been presented.
“In my opinion, it is the most powerful proposal out there. It involves reforming our tax code, not raising taxes, but actually cutting the tax rates dramatically,” said Crapo.
Russ Mathews served on the Idaho legislature from 2002-2010. Now, as a community member, he said that he contacted our law makers about his concerns last week.
“If you don’t, no matter who you are, those people are flying blind,” said Mathews.
Bobi Holm of Idaho Falls said that one of her friends tried to get a hold of Crapo’s office last night, but couldn’t get through.
“At least it shows that there is interest, and people are interested in what’s going on,” said Holm.
Crapo also said that if the government does not make a deal by the Aug. 2 deadline, not only will the country suffer economically, but it would cause a serious national security threat.