WYDOT to lower Highway 390 speed limits
Concerned by an increasing number of nighttime wildlife collisions, the Wyoming Department of Transportation is reducing overnight speed limits on Wyoming Highway 390 near Jackson. The speed limit will drop from 45 mph to 35 mph beginning 30 minutes after local sunset until 30 minutes before official daily sunrise.
New static signs will be installed this week to inform motorists of the reduced speed limit between milepost Zero to milepost 4.0. WYDOT expects to install flashing beacons on the signs in order to define the exact times the new speed limit will be enforced. The beacons will also be accompanied by a second sign that adds “when flashing”. The installation of the flashing beacons is expected to begin in August.
Teton County officials have reported several wildlife collisions with moose pm WYO 390 this year, posing serious problems with regard to human safety, wildlife mortality, habitat connectivity and financial costs.
WYDOT is advising drivers to slow down, pay attention to the road, scan the sides of the roads for wildlife, and be aware that if you see one elk, deer, or moose there are likely more in the area. Transportation department officials also warn that wildlife warning signs are placed where they are for a reason.