BLM adopts Pocatello Field Office management plan
A new Resource Management Plan will guide the use of 613,800 acres of federal land managed by the Pocatello Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management. A Record of Decision enacting the plan was published in the federal register Tuesday.
The plan replaces two older land use plans that had been in effect since the early and mid 1980’s. It will guide future policy on several key programs including, recreation, travel management, mining, special status species, lands and realty, wildlife, fire management, and livestock grazing.
“This plan represents years of hard work in trying to balance a variety of land use issues while protecting natural resources,” said David Pacioretty, Pocatello field manager. “It is proactive and provides flexibility to adjust to changing conditions over time while emphasizing protection, restoration, enhancement and use of resources and services into the future.”
The record of decision includes implementation of motorized travel routes outlined in the Comprehensive Trails and Travel Management section of the new plan. Anyone affected by those routes have 30 days to appeal.