Surprise marriage proposal inside governor’s office
Wednesday was a special day at the governor’s office for one young couple.
Curtis Bean and Kandra Polatis are both from Blackfoot. Polatis is now a student at Boise State University. She had no idea Bean was around, but he had arranged with Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter and Rep. Neil Anderson of Blackfoot, to surprise Polatis with a marriage proposal inside the governor’s office.
Afterward, they said they would remember this for the rest of their lives.
“I was just really confused for a moment, especially with the tux. It just threw me off. So I don’t know, I kind of figured it out after a few seconds, but I was just shocked initially,” said Polatis.
“I was actually really nervous. I knew she would say yes, but …” said Bean.
Afterward, they even got the chance to pose for pictures with Otter. We are not sure when the date is yet.