IFFD: Daylight saving time great time to check smoke detectors
Whether or not you like it, daylight saving time has pushed the clock forward an hour. Local firefighters say it’s also a good time to make sure smoke detectors are in working order.
“A smoke detector can literally mean the difference between life and death,” said Idaho Falls Fire Department Capt. Cody Anderson.
“When a fire starts, there’s a good chance that that smoke will actually lull them to sleep, and they’ll sleep even deeper until they die,” Anderson said.
So as you put your clocks forward, the IFFD is also urging you to change the batteries in your smoke detectors.
“Daylight saving allows people who don’t think about it very often. It kind of helps them remember that, ‘Oh, I need to change my smoke detectors,'” Anderson said.
Even when the batteries in your smoke detector are up-to-date, Anderson said you should push the “test” button regularly to make sure everything’s in working order. You should hear a beeping sound.
Luckily, most smoke detectors will alert you when they’re running low on power with a low-pitched chirping sound.
“That’ll chirp for a small while with the battery out,” said Anderson.
Every 10 years, Anderson said you’ll need to get a new smoke detector altogether. Local News 8 found some online from as low as $5.
Anderson said it doesn’t matter what kind you get, as long as you have one.