Possible federal lawsuit if Bannock County Jail doesn’t expand
Sheriff Loren Nielsen visited the Gate City Rotary Club at the Clarion Inn Tuesday to get more people on board with the proposed jail bond.
He has no plan B with needing to expand the Bannock County Jail he says. The jail has been overcrowded for some time, and if it doesn’t expand soon, a federal lawsuit could be on the way.
“I came here today to get the community’s word on it, and in doing so, I wanted to visit the Rotary Club, as they’re business people of the community,” said Sheriff Nielsen.
He says if the jail bond passes it would raise property taxes by 10 to 20 dollars a year. Which will amount to $18 million dollars in 20 years, the amount needed to expand the jail.
The sheriff’s goal is to get as much support as he can from the community on the tax plan and the expansion for the jail. He says the county commissioners are all on board with it. And he hopes to see the purposed bond pass this coming May during elections.
“Money will come in each year. Then we can get the funds necessary to build the jail. And as we build the jail, we can start moving inmates in so we can do the maintenance that needs to be done on the old jail.”
Also on Tuesday the Bannock County Commissioners announced they have appointed 11 people to a Citizen’s jail Advisory Group.
The group will study issues at the jail including overcrowding, any need for jail expansion, $3 million in needed repairs and other issues as may be identified at a later date.
The group will be tasked with meeting and touring the jail, learning about jail standers and other regulations and other regulations.
It will then crate a report of its findings which will be presented to the Bannock County Commissioners at a public hearing.