Leave wildlife alone
Idaho Fish and Game report seeing more people harassing wildlife.
Some areas have posted signs that warn travelers not to trespass due to wildlife.
“Posted areas, like the Egin-Hamer Closure or the Stinking Springs Wildlife Closure are two examples. And in other areas where wintery wildlife is present.”
However, Idaho Fish and Game are seeing snowmobiles and people on foot getting close to deer and elk to take photo’s.
Idaho Fish and Game Regional Conservation Educator, Gregg Losinski said, “Certain areas are set aside for wintery wildlife, because those animals only have so much energy stored. And if they’re harassed in order for them to drop their antlers or just people checking them out, that can cause them to die or not be able to give birth to their young in the spring.”
Losinski said people who harass wildlife in those areas and are caught can face a fine.