Blackfoot proposes changing two downtown streets to one-way
The City of Blackfoot is considering changing two streets in the downtown area into one-way streets.
During an open house held on Thursday, the city asked for feedback on a proposal to turn Broadway and Ash Streets into one-way only streets. The one-way section would be between Judicial and Francis Streets.
The City wants to make sure the proposal would benefit downtown and the rest of the City before making the change permanent. City officials say the change would allow for more downtown parking and would create a walking tour from the Idaho Potato Museum into downtown.
“That’s our hope that we can invite and be a welcoming community and provide and area that people feel comfortable and excited to come and visit,” said Mayor Paul Loomis.
If the proposal is passed, the city will change parking on the roads to diagonal parking and create loading and no loading zones on the streets. Currently, delivery trucks for businesses on the road are forced to block traffic to unload.