Idaho Falls family apologizes for Corona Arch incident
UPDATE: The following is a message from Ryan and Jen Andersen regarding the incident:
You can view the full message HERE.
ORIGINAL: The Canyon Country District Office of the Bureau of Land Management is investigating an act of vandalism at the Corona Arch near Moab, Utah.
A couple, believed to be from the Idaho Falls area, allegedly carved a heart and their initials into the base of the arch. Social media pictures of them are being widely circulated (view it here). The damage was discovered over the weekend of March 24-25 and reported to the Moab field office on March 26.
District spokesperson Lisa Bryant said the area sees approximately 2.8 million visitors every year. “Most are very respectful and work to protect the resource,” she said. “But some people don’t have that resource ethic.”
Bryant could not confirm the identity of the alleged vandals, but said BLM investigators were very aware of social media postings regarding the incident.
There have been no citations issued yet, but investigation of the incident is continuing.