Field fire gets out of control
Idaho Falls firefighters were called to a field fire that got out of control, just north of Sage Lakes Golf Course on East Parri Drive at around 8 p.m. Monday.
The fire began as a controlled burn, but winds shifted its direction towards structures, catching one on fire, including an RV and a few small sheds.
Firefighters kept it from spreading to nearby homes and there were no injuries.
The Fire Department said it was at least the eleventh out-of-control field fire they have been called to fight in the past week.
People are reminded that if you are conducting a controlled burn, you are responsible for any damage it might cause.
In addition, the department provided the following advice:
If you are planning a controlled burn, alert dispatch before doing so at (208) 529-1200.
Use extreme caution. It is dryer than it appears and winds can shift quickly. Fire can jump under certain situations. High winds, especially on low-humidity days, can carry embers across a break and into areas you don’t want burned. It is critical to pay close attention to the weather.
Be very aware of your surroundings, especially other structures and other fuel sources in the area.
Cut fire breaks. A swath of bare ground around the area you plan to burn helps prevent flames from getting into areas they aren’t supposed to. Other barriers such as roads, ponds, rivers and previously burned areas also prevent fire from spreading.
Always have water handy just in case flames creep across a break or an ash blows with the wind. An ATV or tractor-mounted sprayer filled with water is usually adequate, but even the use of shovels can tamp down unwanted flames before they get out of hand.
If you do burn fields, please complete burn activities before dark.