Idaho Falls to celebrate Idaho Day Monday
On March 4, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln formally designated Idaho as a territory.
Idaho Day was officially created in 2014 under legislation sponsored by former Idaho Falls Representative Linden Bateman. It is not a formal holiday, but the legislation encouraged counties to celebrate the state’s heritage.
Idaho Falls will do that with an “Idaho Day” historical presentation at the Colonial Theatre Monday night.
“We hope that by encouraging people to get acquainted with the county heritage that they will also learn about their own heritage and their own families and record and write those histories as well,” Bonneville County Heritage Association President Ann Rydalch said.
Four businesses will be honored with “Heritage Hero Awards.” The Idaho National Laboratory will be honored for research and innovation in its 70th anniversary. Doug Andrus Distributing will be honored for 80 years and the Bank of Commerce for 60 years of service to the community. And the Colonial and Paramount Theatres for 100 years in Idaho Falls.
The free event will also feature over 100 4th grade students from Westside and Dora Erickson elementary schools and a short film of “Downtown Memories.”
The free program will begin at 7 p.m. Monday.
Thanks to a reader: Idaho was initially organized as a Territory on March 4, 1863. After Montana Territory and Wyoming Territory were split from it, Idaho officially became a state on July 3, 1890.