Idaho opens fishing season for chinook salmon
Idaho wildlife officials have opened a fishing season for chinook salmon on the Snake, Salmon and Clearwater rivers.
The Idaho Department of Fish and Game says the season that started Saturday on each river has specific rules for times and sections of river where it’s legal to fish for salmon.
Fishing for chinook salmon on the Clearwater closes Oct. 13. Chinook salmon fishing on the Snake or Salmon rivers closes either Oct. 31 or Nov. 17, depending on the area.
The state agency could close fishing early.
The season is for hatchery fish only, meaning fish that have the adipose fin between the tail and dorsal fin clipped off.
Federal officials are expected to decide on a plan to allow anglers to keep wild fish, which have the adipose fin, in early September.
You can view the IDAHO 2019 Fall Chinook Salmon Seasons & Rules HERE.