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D91 launches new security system for safer schools

A new age of security is about to start in the Idaho Falls School District.

School District 91 is starting a new access control system as part of its efforts to create safer schools. The district has been working for the last year to secure its schools.

Margaret Wimborne , director of communications for D91 , said: ” It is going to be a very big change for our parents. A lot of our parents are used to being able to kind of come and go. The goal here is to create safer schools and that really takes a community effort. It takes all of us working together, so I think the big thing is just to be patient. ”

Every door used to enter a school building now has a security door locking system.

The focus has been directed toward elementary and middle schools.

The school district tried to pass a bond to upgrade its high schools last fall but failed.

Upgraded security for schools will go into effect after Labor Day.

This will change the way all visitors and parents access the school.

With the new security system, visitors will be viewed on camera so administrative staff at the school can decide who comes in.

Katie Francis, principal at Hawthorne Elementary, said: ” I think it’s been beneficial to our school and the safety overall. We will be able to control who is in our building. I really believe this will keep our kids safer. We know who is here, when they are here, and control the access throughout the day. ” ​​​​​​​

The school district is asking parents to make sure their contact number is up to date on Power School, the students’ information system.

They also ask parents to sign up for safety text updates by texting the word ” yes ” to 67587.

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