Idaho Falls Zoo adds another week to regular zoo season

The Idaho Falls Zoo has added another week to its regular season. It will now be open through Sunday, Oct. 13.
The zoo is open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
It will reopen for the Boo at the Zoo fundraiser on Oct. 24, 25 and 26 and for Zoo Lights on Oct. 28 and 29.
Even when the zoo is closed, it still offers a variety of educational programs including monthly toddler classes, Thanksgiving break classes, winter and spring break classes for kids, new ZOOrific family programs, and Zoomobiles – the educational outreach program where staff members bring animals to the classroom.
The zoo will reopen for regular daily hours in April 2020.
It is located at 2725 Carnival Way in Idaho Falls.
KIFI 2019