Antelope killed by freight train

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK) - About 64 pronghorn antelope were killed when they were struck by a freight train just off Interstate 15, north of Hamer at around 10 a.m. Monday.
Conservation officers were called to help salvage edible meat and dispatch injured animals. Although initial numbers varied, Fish and Game spokesman James Brower said 45 animals were killed directly and 19 were severely injured.
Officials salvaged as much meat as possible for donation to the needy or area food banks.
"We have had these sad situations happen before during big snow events," says Curtis Hendricks Wildlife Manager for the region. "These pronghorn are unable to cross the freeway fence as they migrate west and unfortunately they ended up on the tracks where the snow isn't as deep."
Some animals are unwilling to cross the interstate and end up congregating on plowed railroad tracks nearby. The interstate does impede natural pronghorn migration to historic winter range.