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D91 teachers vote not to ratify tentative pay agreement

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IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI) — D91 teachers gathered at Taylorview Middle School Wednesday to vote on an amended salary agreement for the 2024 – 2025 school year. Changes were made to several contract clauses including ones about teacher resources, parent-teacher conferences, conditions of employment, and most notably salary. The tentative agreement also included an average raise of over $2,600 for teachers in the district. An overwhelming majority voted against ratifying the new contract.

"I was shocked at the number of people that voted 'No.'"

Julie Nawrocki,
Idaho Falls Education Association President

The floor again opened to public comment just after the vote. That's when multiple teachers voiced deep frustrations, even starting a vote of no confidence in D91 Superintendent Karla LaOrange and the district's Director of Finance Lanell Farmer. Some in attendance felt these actions were premature. 

"We all appreciate our teachers and the work that they do," said D91 Superintendent Karla LaOrange. "They're so dedicated. We know it's a difficult job and they make a tremendous difference in those students lives. The board is working hard to recognize that while also honoring the responsibility that they have for the revenues that are available to our district and to use those wisely."

In an official statement about the failed agreement, the school board said inability to meet financial demands is a funding issue and not based on performance. The full statement is attached below.

"I believe that Superintendent LaOrange and Ms. Farmer, along with the negotiation team, followed the Board's directives during negotiations to maintain the district's financial stability for the upcoming year," said Board Chair Hillary Radcliffe. "They have worked diligently to meet the needs of all of District 91 during this challenging year and we look forward to finding a resolution."

Protests by teachers in the district have been happening for the past few weeks. Teachers have hinted at a potential strike if an agreeable resolution is not reached soon.

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Ashley Chilcutt

Ashley is a reporter and producer for Local News 8.


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