An injured hunter rescued by helicopter

SWAN VALLEY, Idaho (KIFI) – A man hunting in the Swan Valley area had to be airlifted to Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center today.
According to Swan Valley Fire Chief Travis Crystal,
The group was hunting in the fog mountain area when one of them was thrown from his horse.
One of the other hunters hiked to the top of a mountain to get cell service and call for help.
Steep and muddy terrain and six to eight inches of snow made it impossible to reach the man on foot, so a helicopter was brought in with a rescue basket.
Swan Valley Fire brought their Starlink communications system to coordinate with the helicopter, dispatch, and first responders.
The man was taken out in the basket, and then flown by Air Ambulance to the hospital with unknown injuries.
Bonneville County Sheriff's Office, Bonneville and Teton County Search and Rescue, Swan Valley Fire and Rescue, ambulances, and Air Idaho all assisted in the rescue.