Teens terrify families through destructive TikTok challenge
BLACKFOOT, Idaho (KIFI) — Several people in Blackfoot are reporting their doors have been badly damaged by teenagers imitating a destructive TikTok trend.
Blackfoot resident, Michael Johnson, says he was in his bedroom on Saturday night, and his young daughters were already in bed. Suddenly, three teens came up to his door and kicked it as hard as they could.
Videos circulating on Tik-Tok suggest the "Door-Kick Challenge" is happening across the country. Several teens attempting to film themselves participating in the "challenge" are facing charges across multiple states.
Johnson says he was terrified because he thought someone was trying to break down his door and invade his home. He discovered it was a group of teenagers when he checked doorbell camera footage. Now he has to pay to repair his door.
"I don't think the kids who did this realized how terrifying that is for a homeowner. You still can't get over, I guess, the feelings of feeling like it was a home invasion," Johnson said.
The footage shows the teens giggling and filming themselves as they damage the door, but Johnson feels they don’t realize just how serious the situation is.
Johnson says he hesitated before pulling out his gun in case he had to defend himself and his daughters, but he's afraid some homeowners will grab their guns much faster and hurt these teens if they keep this behavior up.