Great Race for Education set Friday

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI) - The College of Eastern Idaho Foundation (CEIF) will host its annual premier fundraiser The Great Race for Education “Pandemic Survival” Edition on Friday.
This large-scale scavenger hunt sends teams of four runners through the downtown Idaho Falls area following clues that take them to locations where they complete challenges. The event will be staged south of the Waterfront at Snake River Landing.
The event isn’t just for runners. You can also register to be a team “owner” and help teams solve clues leading them to the next field challenge destination.
The 2020 Great Race for Education, like so many other events, was canceled because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but the CEI Foundation is excited that this year the event can move forward, although with some familiar protocols, fewer teams and greater spacing between teams.
“The Great Race for Education has quite a following and we are very happy that we can put this event on again," Dave Facer, Foundation Executive Director said. "2020 was such an unpleasant experience for so many and we want to give people a chance to get reconnected with our community and do some good in the process.”
The cost for a team of four runners is $250. Team owners, who support the teams by helping to solve clues, are $50 each. Teams are encouraged to purchase a clue package for $500 if they want a great lead, an “immunity challenge pass,” and a chance at placing in the top 10. Included in the price of teams and owners is a t-shirt, catered meal by Catered Your Way, and after-party music by ANDX Entertainment.
All proceeds benefit CEI Foundation’s scholarship program. There will be fun prizes for participants to win and raffle tickets will be available to purchase the chance to take home a gas grill donated by Intermountain Gas Company, among other incredible items. CEIF will award a scholarship in the names of the event’s top three teams. Each team will have a chance to meet the recipient of their scholarship at the annual Scholarship Celebration in April 2022.
This event originated in 2008 as an effort to rally community support around CEIF’s scholarship program and bring organizations together to create a sense of camaraderie.