IDA Regional Airport preparing for TSA PreCheck Event

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI) - The Idaho Falls Regional Airport (IDA) is inviting passengers and Idaho Falls residents to participate in a week-long event to help them enroll in the popular Transportation Security Administration TSA PreCheck® Enrollment expedited screening program.
The airport, in collaboration with IDEMIA, a TSA PreCheck authorized enrollment provider, will hold the enrollment event from Monday, April 3 and continue through Friday, April 7. Appointments will be during regular business hours. TSA PreCheck expedited screening program enables low-risk travelers to have a hassle-free experience at the airport security checkpoint.
That means those who enroll will not have to remove things such as shoes, light outerwear or belts when going through TSA screening. They also avoid having to remove 3-1-1 liquids or laptops at more than 200 U.S. airports.
“We are excited to partner in this event to allow east Idaho travelers to come down to the airport and enroll in this program,” said IDA Airport Director Rick Cloutier. “Enrolling in TSA PreCheck makes flying much more convenient and really cuts down on the times you must wait in line at security. Especially for people who fly frequently, or fly with family, this is a big time saver and well worth the money.”
The process to enroll begins online at Click on the words “New Enrollment” to make an appointment to complete the enrollment process in person at the Idaho Falls on-airport TSA PreCheck application center. Applicants must bring a current U.S. passport or a driver’s license and a certified copy of a birth certificate. Fingerprints will be collected during the in-person session.
There is a $78 dollar application fee for a background check and fingerprints, which can be completed on-site at the time of the visit. The fee can be paid by credit card, money order, company check or a certified/cashier’s check. Cash and personal checks are not accepted. The cost of enrollment covers five years of service.
If you fly frequently, have a vacation coming up, or just plain don’t like the hassle of a security line, you can’t beat enrolling in TSA PreCheck,” Cloutier said. “The $78 is a small price when you consider the time you will save when going through expedited security lines across the country. We appreciate TSA and IDEMIA’s partnership in providing this service to our community.
To begin the enrollment process, visit For questions or other information contact IDA administration at 208-612-8221.