Glenn Beck speaks in Idaho Falls

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KXPI/KIFI) - A major celebrity spoke in Idaho Falls Tuesday evening as a fundraiser for the Tri-county Sheriff's Association.
The group represents the 17 counties of southeastern Idaho from Lemhi and Butte Counties, south to Bear Lake and Franklin Counties.
Eyewitness News 3 anchor Todd Kunz asked Bonneville County Sergeant, Bryan Lovell, what they do and how it benefits an everyday citizen.
"They have the ability to share each other's resources when needed. So several years ago, when we had some big fires, we needed some resources from other counties. When we have critical incidents or big public events, you know, those sometimes require more resources than one county may have. And so this association, you know, they have mutual aid agreements and processes where they can assist each other in those times to better serve those communities," said Sgt. Lovell.
Lovell added that it is efficient and a great way to use resources and maintain public safety.
As part of their fundraising efforts, Glenn Beck spoke to a full audience at the Colonial Theater in downtown Idaho Falls, Tuesday, July 25 at 7 p.m. The event was hosted by the Idaho Falls Arts Council.