Students relive Idaho history with Rendezvous Roundup

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI) - Hundreds of 4th graders in Idaho Falls School District 91 are experiencing Idaho history first hand this week.
The annual Rendezvous Roundup is taking place Tuesday, May 14 through Thursday, May 16 at the Bonneville County Fairgrounds just south of Sandy Downs.
Fourth graders from four elementary schools will come each day for a total of 821 students participating in the event over the three days.
According to District 91 communications coordinator Dylan Barfuss, the students will hear presentations about what it was like to live in Idaho in the 19th century.
"They learn about it in the classroom, and then they get to actually do what the pioneers did," said fourth grade teacher Rachel Nuckols. "They get it. The hands on and see what life was like back in the day, where they live, the soil they're on."
They will also get hands-on opportunities to learn some of the skills that native peoples, early explorers, such as Lewis and Clark, and early settlers used to survive. Candle making and panning for gold are among some of the activities.